The CAE-Forum network of engineers offers companies and institutions the opportunity to exhibit at trade fairs. Since 2013, the CAE joint stand has offered you a higher level of attention than you usually get as an individual exhibitor. With the main topics numerical simulation, 3D visualization (Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality) and additive manufacturing (3D printing) it informs about the important disciplines of the engineering world. At the same time, these are the core topics of the current discussion about digitization and industry 4.0.
The CAE community stand’s concept consists of the exhibition area and the presentation area.
The Exhibition
Exhibitions business is a challenge for every company. Stand position, stand construction and marketing measures are just a few issues to be planned in advance. Companies and institutions exhibiting at the CAE community stand use the synergies resulting of the large stand without losing their individual visibility at the fair.
The Stage
In addition to the exhibition the large CAE-Forum stage offers a further centre of attraction for the interested public. The increased attention by the publication of the programme in advance of the fair and the audience enhance the joint stand’s attractiveness. The exhibitors offer a contingent of presentations in the programme. This ensures that the exhibitors’ issues are found in the programme.
Use case, software upgrade, product information or research results – The CAE-Forum stage provides the opportunity to give a broad audience an understanding of your knowledge. Within the framework of large-scale events all additional activity is a good opportunity to emphasise and explain your skills and products. Whether with visitors finding your presentation in the programme accidentally ore by purpose or with actively invited clients, we transform your presentation to an event with our large CAE-Forum stage.
Panel Discussions
We have been organising panel discussions with experts discussing the issues facing the sector on the CAE-Forum stage for three years. Sponsor for the moderated discussions as well as topic and participant suggestions are welcome.
Company Blocks
As a company you have the opportunity to use the CAE-Forum stage exclusively for e.g. one hour or half a day during the company blocks. Whether award ceremony, presentation of your research project or company or product presentation, here you have time and opportunity to do this in front of a large audience. You can also book more options like a moderator, photographer or video recording of the event. As a matter of course we provide catering for your guests if needed.
Individual CAE Guided Tours
For the first time, in 2018, we are going to carry out individual guided tours at fairs. With a clear focus on CAE (Computer Aided Engineering), we guide groups of visitors to selected exhibitors on the fairs to inform about opportunities and chances of digitalisation in engineering.
The tours can actively be codetermined by exhibitors and visitors in order to ensure the best possible flow of information. We would like to receive your inquiries about guided tours at fairs under Contact.
The CAE-JOBS lighthouse
The joint stand is a crowd puller through the exhibition, lectures and panel discussions.
Clearly we also want to support applicants and companies to bring together.
– Companies are invited to submit open positions in the field of numerical simulation, additive manufacturing / 3D printing and visualization VR / AR (free for supporters and exhibitors of the CAE Forum).
– Jobseekers are invited to visit the fair and see the latest job postings
Next Appearances on Fairs
Hannover Messe 2022 (25.-29.09.2022)
The CAE-Forum Community Stand at Nortec 2012
The First CAE-Forum Community Stand at Hannover Messe 2013
The First CAE-Forum Community Stand at RapidTech & Fabcon 2015